General Conference

We are excited to see the changes FINALLY Reflected at General Conference regarding the LGBTQIA+ Community!

Watch the video below to see what Amory Peck at GSUMC had to say about the conference on 5/19/24.

During this announcement, Amory shared that the horrible phrase “Homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching” is gone.

The new social principles will be distributed January 2025.

Then in the video below, Bishop Cedric shared that the approval of the revised social principles allows us to have global conversations and perspectives around the world.

When we say that the United Methodist Church is a Church for all. We mean all.

Here is some helpful information from the Reconciling Ministries Network:

Over the last few weeks, members of The United Methodist Church gathered in Charlotte, NC, for the postponed 2020 General Conference. While the General Conference made many important decisions, we lift up some specific changes that relate to the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people into the life of the Church. This General Conference voted to:

● Lift an existing denominational funding ban on supporting LGBTQIA+ ministries and

affirming LGBTQIA+ education.

● Strike down a 40-year ban on “self-avowed practicing homosexual” pastors.

● Remove penalties for clergy or congregations holding same-sex weddings.

● Initiate a moratorium on all judicial proceedings concerning human sexuality.

We give thanks for progress in the pursuit of justice and inclusion. May our connection grow in love, and may we seek new ways to be the body of Christ in a divided world. May this be a new day for those who have been harmed by our Church, and a new day for the kin-dom of God!


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